Sinclair GREEN CARD.
Enjoy the freedom and savings INSTANTLY.
Save instantly at the pump when you pay with a Sinclair Green Card, the hassle-free way to organize your fuel costs, accepted at MARKER 126 along with over 1,600 other Sinclair locations across the country.
Save 5 cents or more on every gallon at participating locations (amount may vary by location)
Instant savings – no waiting for rebates
Use it for any Sinclair purchase
Issued and serviced by Sinclair (you never have to deal with a bank or an offshore call center)
No revolving line of credit (no interest – you pay your balance in full each month)
Mobile Advantage Account.
Enjoy DINO discounts without signing up for a credit card.
Add the Mobile Advantage payment option through your DINOPAY® wallet to receive discounts on Sinclair gas or snacks at participating locations – without a credit card! Just fill out the information in the app today and start saving!
Virtual ACH Account
Instant approval
Next level security
Track all your Sinclair purchases (both at the pump and inside the store)
Instant Savings at the Pump
Save $0.20/gallon on every fill-up.
Save as we introduce new offers; at the pump and in the convenience store.
How It Works
Application and approval only available through the DINOPAY® app
Only applicable at Sinclair stations accepting DINOPAY®